Generative AI: Revolutionizing Pharmaceutical Industry and Driving Precision Medicine With Innovation, Equity and Ethics
With conscious and ethical use of Generative AI we can forge a future that is empathetic, innovative and can meet all our needs at the right time and place.
Health IT, MedCity Influencers
Data Governance: Addressing Data Defense and Offense
Proper data governance is essential to ensure the efficient and accurate operation of an organization. It involves creating static rules, dynamic management processes and a comprehensive set of business objectives which must be met to protect the integrity of data within the system.
Payer’s Place: Dr. Anil Singh
Dr. Anil Singh shares his insights into the strategies employed by the organization to identify the most effective digital solutions for their members.
MedCity Influencers, Consumer / Employer
Decline of Telehealth During the Pandemic and After
Telehealth has been an essential tool during the pandemic but recent data shows that its utilization is decreasing as we move into 2023 and beyond. This decrease could lead to increased costs and decreased efficiency for healthcare systems as well as decreased access and poorer health outcomes for patients if nothing is done about it soon.
Food insecurity is a healthcare issue. Here are 5 ways healthcare can proactively address food insecurity
People who experience food insecurity also experience health issues such as obesity, diabetes, depression, high levels of stress, anxiety, and long-term consequences due to less access and affordability to nutritious food
Art of clinical decision support: Right decision at the right time can save lives
To err is human. However, to err in healthcare can cost human life. Here are four reasons why clinical decision support needs to be considered.
MedCity Influencers, Community
Healthcare organizations aim for better member experience : Would an equality index focused on LGBTQ be the game changer?
While there is a heightened awareness about closing the gaps in the system and creating equality, one of the influential groups that suffer from this injustice is the LGBTQ community.
Creating Healthcare narratives, inspired by James Baldwin
Creating health narratives focused on patients and using this data as a learning curve would better help us reframe our thought process and reimagine how we approach healthcare from a technology and service perspective.
Discover the Next-Gen Platform for Integrated Collaborative Care
Beyond EHRs and digital front doors, reducing the gaps in patient care journeys.
MedCity Influencers, Health Tech
Can virtual reality and holograms address patients dying alone in future medical crises?
We have witnessed several people die alone during the pandemic without their family members or loved ones being beside them due to hospital regulations. Can VR and holograms reduce the emotional burden for families, patients and clinicians in future crises when patients can’t be with their loved ones?