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Vinay Kumar Sankarapu

Vinay did his Bachelor’s and Masters from IIT Bombay with a thesis on using deep learning to predict the remaining useful life in a turbine engine. Vinay started Arya.ai in 2013, in college, along with his Co-founder, Deekshith. He successfully raised the first round of funding in 2014 to build India’s first Deep Learning platform for developers. Later, the platform was verticalized for the BFSI industry.

Today, Arya.ai is deployed at multiple Fortune 500 and large financial institutions. He also authored a patent which is currently in review. Vinay and Deekshith were listed in ‘Forbes 30 under 30’ at the age of 23. He was the youngest member of the AI task force set up by the Industry and Commerce Ministry of India in 2017 to submit recommendations on AI adoption in India and as part of Industry 4.0. He has been an esteemed speaker talking about strategies and concepts in AI and deep learning since 2014.