What does the fund-raising environment currently look like within digital health? MedHeads guests piped in

Last Friday on our weekly MedHeads broadcast, we had a discussion about investment trends in digital health, current obstacles and what current startups should be conscious of going in.

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Last Friday on our weekly MedHeads broadcast, we had a discussion about investment trends in digital health, current obstacles and what current startups should be conscious of going in.

Our own Neil Versel moderated, and Dr. Dan Peterson, founder of Teqqa, which is focused on improving the treatment of infectious diseases and addressing the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, joined the conversation along with Lucas Felt, president of The Medical Memory, which developed a way  to record and share physician visits, and Steve Kraus, a partner with Bessemer Venture Partners.

Kraus touched on the fact that the start of this year, when it comes to early-stage companies in the public market, it’s been really rough, which can be attributed to the current state of the stock market.

But when it comes to early digital health, he says, “We’re very much in the first couple innings of what I think of as a nine-inning ballgame. There’s been massive disruption within the healthcare economy, and it’s really driven by regulations.” He added, though, that there are massive opportunities in digital health underway currently with companies that have just gone public, so there should be optimism for investors and entrepreneurs despite current stock trends.

Peterson voiced that as an entrepreneur in the current market, they are careful about who invests in the company, but overall things look good for Teqqa. Felt expressed they The Medical Memory is not cash positive currently, they are currently looking for more investors, but thus far they have realized based on feedback that the demand for their product and further development is extremely worthwhile.

Overall 2016 looks like a year of potential obstacles equally matched with big potential. We’ll see how it plays out.

Both Teqqa and The Medical Memory will be taking part in the StartUp Showcase at MedCity INVEST April 12 and 13.

To hear insights from the entire discussion, watch the MedHeads broadcast below.
