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Paul Grundy MD

Dr. Paul Grundy is the Chief Transformation Officer at Innovaccer. Affectionately known as the ‘Godfather’ of the Patient-Centered Medical Home model, he is the Founding President of the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) and a member of the National Academy of Medicine. Prior to Innovaccer Dr. Grundy enjoyed an esteemed career at IBM, as the Chief Medical Officer of the Healthcare Life Sciences division, and the Global Director of Healthcare Transformation. Previous to IBM he was the Minister Consular for the US Department of State. Dr. Grundy is a globally respected healthcare convener, storyteller, and visionary - a "Trusted Healer.” He holds numerous international honorary titles and awards, including an honorary lifetime member of the UK National Association of Primary Care, an Ambassador for Healthcare DENMARK and the first international member of the Irish National Association of General Practice. He was the recipient of the NCQA National Quality Award in 2012, and recipient of the prestigious Barbara Starfield Primary Care Leadership Award in 2016.