Consumer / Employer, Payers

Survey: 65% of Americans Say Employer-sponsored Insurance Necessary for Financial Security

About 68% of Americans believe employer-sponsored insurance is important for employee recruitment and 77% believe it’s important for retention, according to a new AHIP survey. 

About 65% of Americans believe that employer-sponsored insurance provides them with “financial peace of mind,” a new survey shows.

The AHIP report, published Wednesday, was conducted by Locust Street Group from April 17 to April 25 as part of AHIP’s Coverage@Work campaign, which aims to gather insights on Americans’ thoughts on employer-sponsored coverage. It included responses from 1,000 U.S. consumers with employer-sponsored coverage.

It found that 68% of respondents believe employer-sponsored insurance is important for employee recruitment and 77% believe it’s important for retention. 

“Employer-provided coverage empowers over 180 million Americans to maintain and improve their health and helps provide financial security for themselves and their loved ones,” said Matt Eyles, AHIP president and CEO, in a news release.

Most respondents, or 63%, are satisfied with their current employer-sponsored coverage, while 23% are dissatisfied and 14% say they are neither. The top factors that drive their satisfaction include comprehensive coverage, affordability and choice of providers. 

In addition, 68% said they prefer to receive coverage from their employer than through the government. About 82% said their health insurance plan covers preventive services, 76% said it gives access to quality providers and 53% said what they pay is reasonable.

The benefits consumers most care about are emergency care at 62%, prescription drugs at 58% and preventive care at 55%, the survey also showed.

“From emergency to preventive care, consumers value and rely on the comprehensive coverage they receive through their employers,” said Phillip Morris, partner of Locust Street Group, in a statement.

Additional findings from the survey include:

  • About half of respondents believe employer-sponsored insurance is effective in meeting children’s mental health needs, while 15% believe it’s ineffective. Another 58% said the need for child mental health care through employers is only going to rise.
  • Another 68% of Americans with employer-sponsored insurance think it’s vital for health plans to cover telehealth services. In addition, 73% of respondents said the federal government should continue the pandemic-era telehealth flexibilities.
  • More than half of respondents are against taxing employer health benefits and 63% said they’d be less likely to vote for a lawmaker in favor of this. This includes 60% of Democrats, 68% of swing voters and 57% of Republicans. 
  • About 61% of respondents believe that employer-sponsored insurance helps Americans living in rural and underserved communities access healthcare.

Picture: tomertu, Getty Images
