Health IT, Hospitals, Patient Engagement, Policy

What’s the latest LinkedIn group for healthcare IT?

If you want to get a sense of the level of interest in healthcare IT, […]

If you want to get a sense of the level of interest in healthcare IT, look no further than LinkedIn. In addition to HIMSS, you’ll find numerous groups looking at the many different areas healthcare IT encompasses and overlaps with from digital health, telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, and physician entrepreneurs. Now there’s one more.

Healthcare Executives Network has launched the Healthcare IT Forum. It will not only cover issues pertaining to electronic health records, but it will also group together issues covered by relatively smaller LinkedIn groups such as telehealth and mobile health. The group is interested in accelerating healthcare IT adoption, according to a statement from Tim Foley who is managing the two groups. It will explore issues such as improving care coordination, privacy and security, healthcare information exchanges and interoperability. It will also discuss Meaningful Use 2 and ICD-10 requirements, compliance and cloud computing, according to the statement.

Interestingly, it expects to initiate several community activities “in the very near future” and is gearing up for an inaugural meeting for the Healthcare IT Forum in New York City next March.

With more than 103,700 members Healthcare Executives Network is one of the largest healthcare industry groups on LinkedIn. By comparison, HIMSS has 128,820 members and that’s not counting the regional branches with a presence on the social network.

Now that he’s cultivated such a large online community, it will be interesting to follow the developments of the Healthcare IT Forum and see how successfully it can bring the virtual network into the physical space with its upcoming conference.
