MedCity Influencers

Un-Marketing your EHR

EHR Companies hire me to help increase leads, Period. Isn’t that the goal of marketing? […]

EHR Companies hire me to help increase leads, Period.

Isn’t that the goal of marketing?

Leads can be increased in so many different ways. The fundamental aspect of this is to create awareness of your company, brand and product. The challenge of course is to do this with a limited budget, limited resources and existing product.

We employ strategies and tactics to achieve just that.

But does all this ensure a continuous un-ending supply of leads? Does your rate of closing sales exceed 75%? If not, you need to question the fundamentals.

Product and Company awareness is always a desired goal. You can achieve that with traditional marketing tactics, digital and social media and various other means. When your target audience is ‘aware’ of your company and products, does that convert to sales? If not, why?

Awareness versus Desirability

Marketing for awareness increases leads, Marketing for Desirability increases Sales. Desirability happens with client evangelism. It happens when your clients go out of the way to talk about you and your product. It is a choice clients make not you.

You cannot make your clients talk unless you have exceeded in every front of the client engagement continuum; Product, Service, Relationship and Trust.

Clients do not talk and spread the word (on their own) unless you have superior products, superior services. Every CEO and business owner thinks they have the best product and services. Unfortunately, it is not what you think that matters, it is what your client thinks that matters.

You don’t even have to ask them. If your clients are not going out of the way to talk about your products, you are just not there yet.

Do this – have someone why they are your client, why they bought from you, why they continue being your client. They will reveal more about you than you will ever know. Armed with this vital knowledge embark on a journey to improve everything about the product and services.

I guarantee you this will be the best return on marketing investment.

First published on my blog ( )

Chandresh Shah

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